ZYUC can provide the production technology and equipment of "industrial ammonium dihydrogen phosphate and food grade ammonium dihydrogen phosphate".
Category:Phosphorus Chemicals
ZYUC can provide the production technology and equipment of "industrial ammonium dihydrogen phosphate and food grade ammonium dihydrogen phosphate".
Industrial ammonium dihydrogen phosphate
China chemical industry standard:HG/T 4133-2010
Note: This standard is divided into three categories
Ⅰ class: mainly used for fiber processing and dye industry dispersant, enamel glaze, ceramic synergist of fireproof coating.
Ⅱ class: mainly used for dry powder, fabric, wood and paper flame retardants, etc. Ⅲ class: plant nutrients and other.
Food grade ammonium dihydrogen phosphate
China National Standard:GB 25569-2010